الخميس، 12 مايو 2016

Bee venom and the ancient Egyptians

Bee venom and the ancient Egyptians
The ancient Egyptians were the first to use Ashraf Jamal this treatment: the success rate of bee sting exceeded the 90% treatment and treated 40 diseases came to the headquarters of the magazine holding his hands a bottle of some bees, and we knew himself that he processor bee sting, and that this treatment brought medical results of when the He handled them before, and wants to conduct a dialogue with him, so that people learn to treat bee sting. Asked him to handle some colleagues who suffer pain in the knee or sugar or pain in the back, then come to us after two weeks in order to see the result of what was said by myself even be honest with readers and with the bee sting painful thing, but I tried it myself, where I suffer sinus pain nasal continuous basis, where he Bulsaa twice between the eyebrows every time and time again a quarter of an hour and was repeated in the second week, and already you feel better in the sinuses so I am now increased with goods for nasal sprays that you use it. Scientists have realized that bees usefulness is not limited to honey, wax, royal jelly, but also extends to bee sting .. and for that I met the processor bee sting Captain: Ashraf Mohammad Jamal, during a talk show with Dar us a long talk about this and how effective treatment, and the extent of its popularity and its side effects, the details of the interview: We would like first of all to learn about this therapy and who are the first to use the bee sting? The beginning I would like to thank those in charge of your magazine esteemed, and according to what we read about melittology, we knew that the ancient Egyptians were the first to use bee sting in physical therapy, as used by the Chinese since 2000 years, and in 1888 the deployment of an Austrian processor called (Philip Turk) report about the first studies related to get bee venom, then publish Dr. (Terech) in Vienna authors described the 173 patients with rheumatism have recovered from their illness bee sting, and has since popularized the use of bees for therapeutic purposes in other countries, and I would add a lot considering that treatment bee sting supplementary treatment there is no alternative; it relies on modern medicine in the diagnosis and radiation tests and analysis, we do not work in isolation from modern medicine; because that puts us on the right path to treatment. When did I start practicing bee sting therapy? Treatment began more than seven years, and conducted the first experiments on the family, then started to practice the profession after I got my several specialized courses and reading the latest research in this area. Are there specific places for bee sting? Yes .. sometimes stinging pain in the same area, sometimes at specific points are similar to those that are used to prick the Chinese acupuncture and, in the case of skin diseases in places prefer stinging injury. The most prominent diseases that have proven to be cured? In 2001 the United States issued a list of forty treatable disease, stressing bee sting. One of these diseases: diseases of the immune system, cardiovascular and cardiovascular, and endocrine disorder, infections, mental disorders, rheumatic disorders, and problems of skin, and blood diseases, and respiratory diseases, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the nervous system, sexual diseases, and diseases related to nutrition . Is there a proven intractable diseases cured after medication in this way? Yes, like the cases of brain atrophy, and slipped disc disease and cancer; it has been proven many cases of breast tumors success bee sting and made full recovery, and bee venom works to halt the spread of cancer cells and destroy tumors, God willing. The proportion cured with this treatment? 2 exceed the 90% ratio, especially if the patient has certain healing bee sting, he is working to raise the immune system and stimulate the human immune system, it is to address the imbalance in the body after the lifting of the immune degrees. Are there caveats must be considered when medication bee sting? Is testing the body's sensitivity to penicillin, and look at the test results and radiology tests to see medical history of the patient, and if what he have diabetes or hypertension, is determined dose of the appropriate treatment and points of treatment, and we are keen that the patient eats before treatment bee sting; because bee sting works to increase the burn rate of sugar in the body, and also the age of caveats bee sting therapy. Are there any side effects of the medication after a bee sting? Does not exceed the side effects of the treatment of bee sting topical pain and the appearance of the circle over the skin, swelling and itching, redness and heat in the position of stinging, while may cause bee venom shock to those who suffer extreme sensitivity of it, this should be an examination of the sensor before starting treatment and by consulting a specialist doctor and under medical supervision . The cause of bee venom allergies for 2: 1% of people. How is it treated? The average number of bites until healing is complete? As I mentioned are available on the results of analyzes, radiology, our job starts after the diagnosis of the attending physician of the health status of the patient, conduct sensitivity test and then proceed to treatment after almost a quarter of an hour, while the number of bites and treatment period shall be in accordance with the patient's condition, some cases respond to immediate treatment, such as sinusitis and disc pain, some of which may extend to several months. It is used bee sting therapy with children? Yes, the children from the age of eight months, can be held to treat bee sting. Is this science is taught or recognized by international bodies? In the city of Bonn, the German hospital only uses bee venom to treat Altlevat,In Japan 09/02/2016 4/5 a college specializing in the award of his doctorate for the treatment of bees, and in the United States licensed trade union of ten thousand American doctor practicing therapy profession name of bees, and in China specialized clinics for treatment spread the name of the bees, but all the Arab states in Egypt Centre Research «in the name of bee therapy» at the Faculty of environmental Agricultural Sciences in El-Arish, in Kuwait bee Research Center of scientific club held many seminars, lectures and scientific center for the uses of bee sting therapy. Is there an immunological side to use this treatment? Certainly it stimulates the immune system of the body; because of its ability to increase the secretion of natural cortisone body equivalent to the industrial hundred times, FSM bees consists of a lot of material, and the most important material (Malitin), exceeding its tens of doublings medicine (Hyderokortizul), a basic protein toxin which is used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions experienced by the body and stimulated the secretion of cortisone naturally .. Furthermore stimulate blood circulation and resistance to infections and kill microbes and expand the arteries and lowering blood pressure and increasing nerve conduction. It is also used for cosmetic purposes to restore youth and remove skin wrinkles, it also is useful Premarital; where gives children a highly immunogenic and intelligent. What about the treatment of certain cancers? It enables German scientists from the Universities (Dortmund) and (Bochum), West Germany, to manufacture lethal substance cancerous cells of hives called writting, a substance derived by bees from the nectar of various trees, which is the same material that makes them its cells and strengthens and pasted together. This substance is very effective in the fight against serious type of cancer, and fired on the molecule name (Chloe 52 c). This molecule and succeeded in killing cancer cells without harming healthy cells, as scientists were surprised with virtually no side effects and side reactions.

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